Multi-language Videos - Recommendation 8 - English

To review the 3e Recommendations for Undifferentiated Peripheral Inflammatory Arthritis,
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Claire Bombardier, MD, FRCPC
Professor of Medicine
Director, Division of Rheumatology
Director, Clinical Epidemiology Program
Rebecca McDonald Centre for Arthritis and Autoimmune Disease
Mount Sinai Hospital
Toronto, Canada

Recommendation 1: Defining & Diagnosing UPIA
Recommendation 2: Predicting the Diagnosis & Prognosis in Patients with UPIA
Recommendation 3: Acute Phase Reactants in Patients with UPIA
Recommendation 4: Antibody Testing in Patients with UPIA
Recommendation 5: Radiographs in Patients with UPIA
Recommendation 6: MRI & Ultrasound in Patients with UPIA
Recommendation 7: Genetic Testing in Patients with UPIA
Recommendation 8: Synovial Biopsy in Patients with UPIA
Recommendation 9: Predictors of Persistent Inflammatory Arthritis in Patients with UPIA
Recommendation 10: Disease Activity Scales in Patients with UPIA
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